Friday, August 27, 2010

Adelyn's Toothless Smile

Adelyn lost her first tooth when she was six years old.  By that Christmas she had the top two front teeth gone and the bottom two front teeth.  It was one big hole in her mouth.  She has since lost many more and grew a bunch more in.  She loves it when the tooth fairy comes and visits her even when it takes that little fairy her 2 or 3 nights to find her room.  Yesterday she was missing 3 teeth and tonight she was eating an apple and lost her 4th tooth. 
Today was Adelyn's second day of school and I had to be to work pretty early so I wasn't able to ride to school with her.  She is always playing outside riding her bike and I never worry.  Today I was so worried about her going by herself.  I think it is because she is gone all day and I don't really know for sure if she has made it.  At least when she is outside I can check on her if I can't see her or I don't hear her.  Do they still call you if your child is absent for a day?  Also I felt like such a bad mom yesterday with her going to school with barely brushed hair and late so we made sure her hair looked its best.  I have tried for 7 years to do something cute with her hair but she refuses to let me.  She won't even put it in a ponytail.  We have a rule that she can pick her clothes and do her own hair everyday but picture day.  I get picture days no matter what!!  She has been so good to follow the rule on picture days and so quick to remind on the other days that I try to add a little curl or pick out her shirt. 
And she's off....
                                                    Our Sweet little Princess is all grown up...

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